III. Reflection
Today we discussed about the continuation of our last topic Computer as Information and Communication Technology, it was discussed by group, different group with different presentation to accomplish. There are seven topics to be discussed, and these are the Advertising, Entertainment, Gaming, Intellectual Property Rights, Pornography, Propaganda, and the Pyramid Scam. Everything we had discussed was knowledgeable and we get lessons from the reporting. From the first reporting up to the list is such a great job.
First reporting was about the Advertising, it is important to us to know how the advertising affects the product and how the product affects the advertising specially the person behind the advertisement. Next is the Entertainment, it is important to be aware in what thing we are getting pleasure and satisfy, and one way of this is to be entertain. It was followed by Gaming, in this topic, I’ve learned that gaming is looks like gambling. Next is IRS, wherein some ways on how to protects your own rights were discussed. Another topic was Pornography, we are already knowing that this is something about sex, but we handle it like it was a normal topic inside the classroom, I know that pornography sometimes is serves as works of other person, but for me, it’s not applicable, because no matter how hard a person to get a job as long as they are determined and they really want to have a good job, they are willing to look for that anywhere, and pornography is the answer in the money they need. Next was the Propaganda, it is for us to be aware in every kind of person specially in elections. And last topic discussed was the Pyramid Scam, I admit that sometimes when I received text messages from the different foundation, I’ve texted those text, but not my personal information but good words and sometimes advise for them. The Pyramid Scam is also important for us to be aware if we are experiencing scam and I get some tips from the reporter.
This all seven advanced educational communication media are all important for us specially as a future educator, because this will be our help or guide in the near future and we will use this in advising our future students if need


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