To all the teachers in this world,
Most of us treat you as our second parents, persons who will take care of us and who will love us as well, as a mentor, a person who will guide us and give us light when we are in the dark, as a supporter, a person who will support us in everything, as our fan, a person who always believe in every outputs and performances we have done and a person who believes in what we have, you are not just only a teacher. They are one of a kind. I salute you teachers for the dedication and hard work.
When I was a second year student at Amaya School of Home Industries, when she became my adviser, my biology teacher as well. For me, she’s not only my adviser, she’s also my first fan of my life. She made me feel what is being accepted despite of being imperfect. Because of her, I pursue my goal in life, she’s my inspiration why I want to be an educator someday. Through the things that she has done for me, I feel comfortable in everything, I feel the acceptance and the trust that no one has for me, that even my family can’t make me feel, she’s made me feel that I’m a worth it person, and a trustworthy person. She also made me feel that despite of having a family that make me feel worthless, I’m still existing in this world, and even if I’m not the best person, I’m still a better person, and even if I’m not the most trustworthy person, but still I’m trusted.
To Mrs. Cristina Andes, maybe years, decades, centuries, and millenniums will pass, but the lesson you’ve taught, the happiness and the laugh we’ve shared with each other, the inspiration you gave, the hard work and the dedication you have, and the appreciations and efforts you’ve done for me, will still remain in my heart. No one can erase it. Thank you Ma’am, for being my number one fan.


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